I would like to add cruise control to the new Scienta · · ·

2016/06/01(0) 116


The most disappointing point of the new Sienta No cruise control
I want to overcome a regrettable point!
That's right, let's ask the dealer
On a journey to find external products corresponding to TSSC ...
After that, comfortable with pivot 3DA-T + pure cruise control switch!

The most disappointing point of the new Sienta No cruise control

I am on the new Sienta HYBRID G White Pearl.

In the new Sienta, I do not think there are too many regrets, but one of them ... There is no cruise control in setting (; '· ω ·) Why?

Toyota Safety Sensitivity C (TSSC) So why do not you attach it?

The Toyota Safety sense P (TSSP), which is set from the 4th Prius and others, is to follow the previous car with a radar, Even though there is amazing cruise control, this difference is sad ('; ω; `)

Please attach ordinary cruise control at least as an option! !

I want to overcome a regrettable point!

However, because there is no option, it can not be given up (^ _ ^;)

Outside the company, cruise control (cruise control), slocon (throttle control) and so on, various items are out,
I think that I would like to make a neighborhood, but I am very worried about whether I can respond properly to the TSSC that I have not seen in the world yet.

That's right, let's ask the dealer

So, I asked someone from a Toyota dealer.
"Maybe it's not covered by the warranty, but I'll check if Aqua's cruise control can be attached."

Oh! ! Do you respond so flexibly? After all it is not likely to consider TSSC if it is a dealer! In case Well, I thought that I should not expect so much, but I got a little expectation.

And after 1 month ...
"There seems to be wiring problems, there are many places that we have to deal with variously, and it seems we can not do it ..."

Well, that's right. But I was very happy about the attitude that I tried to investigate! Thank you!

On a journey to find external products corresponding to TSSC ...

So, among me, the cruise control outside the company or the feeling of attaching the slocon has solidified to a large extent.
TSSC compliant! I'm thinking of going on a journey to find a cruise control or a slocon that is honored! Never mind ... (; ^ ω ^)

For the time being, I went to major points such as AUTOBACS and Yellow Hat, even at SCENTA with TSSC,
I will try asking if I will attach a cruise control (o ^ - ^ o)

· · · Continued

After that, comfortable with pivot 3DA-T + pure cruise control switch!

New Sienta pivot cruise control installation article list

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