zon.aray.jpzon.aray.jp ENE FARM broke! Pump exchange from noise

ENE FARM broke! Pump exchange from noise

2018/06/05(0) 0


The heavy bass sounds irregularly from outside ...
Immediately contact Tokyo Energy Farm Support Center! Really full support? !
Repair completed in 2 days! Cause pump

The heavy bass sounds irregularly from outside ...

I built a new building in August 2015 and attached Enefarm with sunlight.
The composition of solar power generation and Enefarm is like this

It has been three years since we started Enefarm. I tried various operation methods, but there was no problem at all, and I always gave power to it firmly.

If such a day opens the window, it means "Go" or "Gotogoto" from the outside, or somehow a bass bass.

I heard that the sound ceased to work ... again when I heard it.
By the way, it sounds like somehow from Enefarm ... (◎ _ ◎;)

When going out of the house and going to the front of Enefarm, obviously deep basses are echoing from Enefarm.
This is indeed troublesome neighbors, and it seems that there is a possibility of further breaking as it is, Immediately, I stopped Ene Farm.

Immediately contact Tokyo Energy Farm Support Center! Really full support? !

Though it has only been three years ago, it is troubled if it breaks with this! !
However, Ene Farm has complete support for 10 years! (^ - ^)
No matter what kind of breakdown it is, it will be fixed for 10 years with free time.

The paper that I got at the time of setting up Ene Farm had something like that would be able to arrive on the same day if it was a daytime time.
Immediately, I call Tokyo Gas' Ene Farm support.
Tokyo Gas' Enefarm support

The telephone was immediately connected, but "I will call on you next week" (◎ _ ◎;)
No, as I am looking forward to Enefarm, it seems that Ene Farm will stop for days, There is no such condition (^ _ ^;)

Telling you that "I was told that you can come soon, but ...?" It was decided that you can come back two days! (¯ ▽ ¯)

Repair completed in 2 days! Cause pump

Two days later, the day of repair waiting for Enefarm.
If it is a terrible breakdown, maybe it will be a new model with energy farm exchange ...?
I was doing a little pale expectation, etc.

If you report symptoms to the repairer who came, it seems that this failure is common.
Instead, I exchanged the pump of this picture with a new one.

In order to restart Enefarm,
"From the state where Enefarm is stopped, please turn it to automatic once"
So, as I went to see the remote control of Enefarm, "Maintenance in progress" was displayed.

I set this up automatically, I went to Ene Farm again to witness the start of Ene Farm.

↓ By removing the small panel on the right side of Enefarm, this display panel and switch will come out.
Certainly, this is the state where Enefarm is still stopped.

↓ If you start normally ... power generation has started! To be sure, I think that this was an indication of power generation status.
0.7 kWh, electricity is generated at maximum!

↓ Simultaneously, Enefarm's firmware? The internal program also updated to the latest. is what they said.
I think that this display was the display of the program version of Enefarm · · · (^ _ ^;)!

It healed the abnormal sound firmly!
As the pump is brand new, it is updated to an improved program, maybe it will generate electricity more efficiently than before ...
I will have a pale expectation.

The stoppage period of Ene farm did not become so long as I thought, it was really good to heal safely!
However, if it is a common breakdown, I thought that it might be good to come to replace before it breaks down .... I thought for a moment.

By the way, it seems that any trouble even for 10 years can be fixed by free.
If we are going to repair this failure at actual cost, since the pump itself replaced is 10,000 thousand yen, It took around 30,000 yen.

It seems that something that is about 10 years passed since the launch of Ene Farm.
When asking "Are you going to fix it?", It seems that replacing the new Ene Farm is normal as usual.
Ten years later, the performance will also rise and the price will be cheaper so we will choose the exchange as well.

Even within 10 years after the warranty expires, if a major breakdown comes out, I wonder if I will replace it with a new Ene Farm at that time.
It was a failure this time that made me think about such things in various ways.

I hope the power generation efficiency will increase with a new pump and a new Ene Farm program (^ - ^)

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